The numerous proofs presented by AM's advocate resolved a long-term dispute about the refusal of legal registration of property

15 April, 2024

Back in 2011, the Yerevan Municipality decided to recognize the unauthorized structure built by our client as legitimate and to offer the alienation of this structure to our client in the form of direct sale with a pre-emptive right of purchase.

Since 2011, there has been a disagreement between the Yerevan Municipality and the RA Cadastre Committee: who should have canceled the corresponding comparison in order to register the rights of the Yerevan community, which would allow our client to purchase real estate.

Having taken upon herself to protect the interests of the client, the advocate of "AM" Law Firm Paytsar Kocharyan submitted applications to the Yerevan Municipality so that the latter, as the rightholder of the property, would fulfill the duties established by the decree of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, but the Yerevan Municipality unreasonably refused to commit legal actions.

It was noteworthy that there was no judicial practice, although many citizens face a similar problem in Armenia, there were no court disputes on similar facts, and the outcome of the case was also unpredictable.

The RA Administrative Court conducted a comprehensive, full review of the case, as a result of which the claim submitted by us was satisfied.

Thus, the dispute between the Yerevan Municipality and the Cadastre Committee of the Republic of Armenia was resolved, as a result of which our client was able to restore violations of his rights that lasted for about 13 years.

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